Top Landscaping Tips for Small Properties

Landscaping Tips

Space Designs advise that the average section is only getting smaller, as cities try to accommodate more and more people. If you find yourself with a postage stamp section with which you feel landscaping will be impossible, then don’t despair. You may be surprised by what you can achieve.

Trying to landscape a small property can be a challenge, and maybe one that’s not within your area of expertise. If that’s the case, you are best to talk with experts. Otherwise, check out these tips below for how to combat a small area and turn it into paradise.

  1. Break it Up

It’s a strange concept – taking a compact yard and making it even smaller, but it can have the opposite effect if done correctly. Take your small patch of land and break it up into smaller areas with purpose. Create paths leading from each other and add seating, paving stones, and little garden sections. You will be amazed at how this landscaping trick works to add more depth and space.

  1. Use Colour Wisely

You may plant flowers anywhere and everywhere because you like them, but make sure there is a method to your madness. When creating a landscaping construction, you have to think about where colour is going to work the best. For example, if you place it at the front of your property, the vibrancy will detract visitors from how small the remainder of your section is. This is an excellent way to help bump up your resale value.

  1. Big and Bold is Best

In every other facet of your life, adding big items to a small area does not make the space feel larger. Instead, it shrinks it! When you’re landscaping, however, big and bold is best. In your outdoor entertainment area, add plants with large, textured, and chunky leaves. Add different varieties of different heights. You will be amazed at how much larger the space feels.

  1. Vertical is Your Friend

While you may dream of a large, sprawling tree to be able to picnic under, a small section means that’s no longer a possibility. In the case of a small yard, vertical is best. Opt for thin, tall shrubs instead of fat, broad ones. And, build plants up instead of out.

  1. Raise it Up

When you are landscaping a small section, it can feel like there is nowhere to hide. You can see every corner of your yard, and it’s obvious it’s not very big. That’s why you may find it beneficial to raise your gardens. Create hardscape stairs, build tall garden beds and add terrain differences. The effects will astound you.

There is no denying that a small yard makes it impossible to add a big swimming pool or even a swing set. But, it’s not all doom and gloom. As long as you get smart with your landscaping, or ask the experts, you can end up with a far larger space than you imagined.